About Me

Hey there friend...

Ya you....hey...hi!

This site is intended to chronicle my adventures in cake!  I recently discovered my true obsession passion for creating custom confections.  I love taking an idea, a color scheme, a personality and running with it.  In any other application, I would say that "spinning my wheels" would be an utter waste of time, but in this realm, it is all I do, it is necessary, it is cake design.  Spin my wheels....yep, constantly.

I am lucky enough to have a supportive, sweet tooth afflicted husband to get me through each project.  New flavor idea...taste tester on site, new recipe approver...part of his job description, cake scrap disposition...he has me covered in a heartbeat, heavy-monster-cake deliverer....doesn't blink an eye.  Most importantly, cake drama diffuser and sweet praise provider...every time.

So, here you will find a collection of my work as well as posts of projects with some background making it (or maybe not) more interesting or making sense of it on the other side.  Hope to see you here frequently....thanks as always for stopping by.

P.S. Feel free to say hello or comment!

P.P.S.   You can always get in touch with me if you have any questions or just want to talk cake, cupcakes and cookies.  I'd love to hear from you!

